Sunday, October 24, 2010


If you think the Adults 4 Christ Sunday School Class is a quiet, un-involved bunch of middle aged couples, hidden away in a forgotten part of the 2nd floor. Then we suggest you think again! Never a group to shy away from projects that are difficult, lengthy, or expensive. They are a group that doesn't stand around waiting for someone to present projects or missions for their efforts. This class is pro-active and rarely goes for very long without discussing the options for their next adventure. Sometimes participating in more than 1 at a time. Plus they have their own "class business card" and this website, which has had visits from over two hundred foreign countries and received written correspondence from seven.
Joe and Brenda Steakley believe that from their little 2nd floor room, this class can have an impact on the world, and on Sunday 10/24 they presented to their members another opportunity to prove it. An amazing class project that is long term, requires a monthly cash investment, shares Christ, follows scripture, and falls in line with Bro. Andre"s goal of increasing the number of missions for 2011.

26,600 small children die everyday from preventable conditions due to poverty. It would be difficult if not impossible to find another project that would further the misson of our Lord than this one.

Click on the photo for Compassion international's website.