Sunday, February 14, 2010


After church Sunday 2/14 several class members fulfilled our latest class project. Our mission was to bless two of our church's elder members with home visits. It was a HUGH success, with us walking away with the biggest blessing of all. Bill Ragan and Chester Lafever lovingly opened their homes and hearts to us. They were happy to see us and excited that we cared enough to visit them on Valentine's Day. They kept our attention by sharing stories and photos from their past. They loved their cards, cookies, fruit baskets, and "winter survival kits".
The fellowship and gifts we shared including the prayers we lifted up were not in celebration of Valentine's Day, because Our Mission was to stand in their living rooms - before God as Adults 4 Christ Bearing Gifts of Love - in honor of His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Special thanks to Rob Darnell for the great suggestion and to Kim Morrow for a great job with all the arrangements.
...In His, Joe and Brenda


Anonymous said...

We had a great lunch and received such a blessing (lots of great history too) from two members of Grace that will be leaving quite a legacy!! Brenda