Wednesday, January 6, 2010


He was on the Cross—the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world.
And He was presenting Himself—the Great High Priest offering His life for mankind’s greatest need: forgiveness for sin and release from its bondage.
The first words of this Lamb-Priest are tender in the face of His hate-filled antagonists, and they are timeless and love-filled as they reach to you and me today. But they are also teaching words for us who would be taught how to live through a bad day, and our first lesson is this: To live through a bad day, begin by forgiving everyone who seems to be trying to ruin your life.


Ellen said...

Hello that blog you have is so wonderful
Yes jesus die for us:)

he loves you and every people in this world .
my self.. i talk swedish and i belivie in Jesus:)
i from Sweden:)
