If you stayed home during this part of the Jerusalem Project, you missed out on a special service and worship opportunity - plus a great blessing. The turn out was large, especially considering the threat of rain. The music was amazing. Bro. David and his merry band of men and women had several dancing and singing in the parking lot. Grace members out did themselves again with all the food, deserts, and drinks. There was plenty for everyone. Ken Coleman made ballon animals for the children, but you could tell he still didn't feel well. Bro. Andre' addressed the crowd with words of hope and encouragement as he shared Christ. There were doorprizes and many filled out questionaires. They were friendly and appeared happy to see us and our members appeared just as happy to be there. It was a great fit. All afternoon you could just sense something in the air, but it wasn't the threat of rain - It was our Lord there in our midst. With what He has planned in Heaven I know my Savior loves a good party and this one wouldn't have been successful without the guest of honor.
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