Sunday, April 26, 2009


Kim Morrow is scheduled to have surgery on Monday -April the 27th.
She will remain in the hospital through Wednesday - April the 29th.
2300 Patterson St, Nashville, TN
(615) 342-1000

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Saturday April 25th is
Jamie Covington's

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


God has lain on my heart to pray for and assist the family of 8-yr old Ethan Bibb. He is a second-grader at East Robertson Elementary School . Ethan has been diagnosed with cancer. There will be a fundraiser on May 30, 2009 at Kilgore Park in Cross Plains. If anyone would like to get involved with this fundraiser or just get more information about Ethan and his family, please contact me.

Thanks, Shannan Williams

Monday, April 20, 2009


In case you missed the Thank You card from Brick Church Middle School, just click on the "CLASS CARDS" button above the 'TEACHERS" button here on the main page. It contains a wonderful message to our class from the school Principle.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


If you stayed home during this part of the Jerusalem Project, you missed out on a special service and worship opportunity - plus a great blessing. The turn out was large, especially considering the threat of rain. The music was amazing. Bro. David and his merry band of men and women had several dancing and singing in the parking lot. Grace members out did themselves again with all the food, deserts, and drinks. There was plenty for everyone. Ken Coleman made ballon animals for the children, but you could tell he still didn't feel well. Bro. Andre' addressed the crowd with words of hope and encouragement as he shared Christ. There were doorprizes and many filled out questionaires. They were friendly and appeared happy to see us and our members appeared just as happy to be there. It was a great fit. All afternoon you could just sense something in the air, but it wasn't the threat of rain - It was our Lord there in our midst. With what He has planned in Heaven I know my Savior loves a good party and this one wouldn't have been successful without the guest of honor.



Sunday, April 12, 2009


Thursday April the 16th is Brenda Steakley's Birthday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Our next Jerusalem Project will be a FREE STEW/CHILI SUPPER and service at The Retreat at Dry Creek Farms at 5:00 on Sunday, April 19. This brand new apartment complex does not have any churches ministering to them. We will be the first! They are located right across the street for Forrest Lawn Funeral Home. We are the first RESIDENT ACTIVITY they have ever hosted and the entire complex is going to be invited to attend. There will be live music, activities for the kids, gifts for the residents, and Bro. Andre will share the gospel. Pray now for a great move of the Holy Spirit at the next Jerusalem Project April 19. Listed below is what we are asking each Adult Sunday School class to do in order to make this event successful:
Adult 3 Suggs Set Up and Clean Up
Adult 3 Spurlins Bring Chili and Stew
Adult 4 Dowlen Bring Paper Products and Ice
Adult 4 Steakleys Bring Drinks
Adult 5 Vicks Bring Desserts
Adult 5 Brisendine Bring Desserts
Adult 6 Batts Bring fixings: cheese, onions, bacon bits, crackers
Adult 7 – 8 Bring Chili and Stew
Please bring your items to the event at 4:45 PM as we will start promptly at 5:00 PM. Bring your entire family and be ready to mingle and share God’s love with our new neighbors. We will be giving a Bible and a Power Band to all residents of the complex and we will also be giving away door prizes. If you have an idea about some prizes, please call me at the office today. I will gladly take donations from area businesses!
Remember to prepare for about 200 folks on this special night.
Thanks for your support!
Bro. Ken

Sunday, April 5, 2009


In response to a prayernet e-mail, Joe and Brenda offered us the opportunity to assist a church family. Thanks to our "Pass The Basket" class fund raiser and some creative money management on Joe's part - Adults 4 Christ came up with enough money to purchase a pair of the stockings needed for the individuals health care.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Greer Carr notified us that Paige’s 90 yr old grandmother, Elsie Pouzar, is in the hospital in Little Rock , Arkansas . She suffered a broken vertebrae from a fall in her home earlier this week. Please pray for her healing and strength.