Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Adults4Christ Sunday School Class voted today to take on the mission project of providing reading glasses for Room In The Inn. This Christ-like project came about when our class provided food and fellowship on Monday 12/16. The need became apparent as the class members worked with the 12 homeless men as part of their annual church responsibility. We can't heal the blind like Jesus did many times in the bible, but in a Christ-like manner we can provide aid to the men who are visually impaired. On the same day, we presented to the Room In The Inn Staff, on behalf of our class, a case with 51 pairs of reading glasses and the testing material necessary to properly match the correct lens with each person. The staff will let Brenda know when additional glasses are needed. The Sunday School Class will respond by using some of the extra funds collected on the first of each month for our Ethiopian / Beletech mission project to make the purchase. We will then provide the glasses to the staff before the next group of men are scheduled to arrive.

Matthew 25:40
Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

Sunday, December 16, 2012


God has always had a plan.

The Gospel Project for Adults takes the story of Jesus — the gospel — the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and points to the one story that infuses Scripture from cover to cover — God’s redemptive plan to rescue us from sin and death. Because the entire Bible points to Jesus, it is important to examine the theology and mission within the text, as all of it is an important part of understanding the awesome depth and power of the gospel. 

Join us on Sunday at 9:00AM and be part of our fellowship and study, as our teacher, Joe Steakley delivers the message in chapter 6, "THE LAND.