Sunday, August 30, 2009


Cody Coleman is back home after a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He has been the target of our Class Prayer Chain since Sunday July the 26th.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Sunday August 16th is the 34th wedding anniversary of Joe and Brenda and Bill and Paula


We were blessed Sunday 8/16 with our first visitor this year not connected to a holiday.
Anthony Burls (Tony) was a guest of Andy and Peggy Paul.
PRAYER LIST ADDITION : Tony has a job interview this week and asked that we pray for it to go well.

Friday, August 14, 2009


From Julie Williams: Please pray for Rachel's Dad, Jeff Jones. He is having a PET scan tomorrow. He finished his chemo treatments a couple of weeks ago and the doctors want to see if the cancer has returned. He has not been feeling very well for the past week. Please pray for Rachel as she is very worried about her Dad. She gets married Oct. 2 and we are hoping and praying that her father gets to feeling better. Love and Blessings. Julie Williams

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Kim Morrow: Please add my aunt Peggy Birdwell to the prayer list. She has been attending Grace for over a year now and sits with me in the balcony every sunday. During the night Friday, she got up to use the restroom and passed out and broke her ankle in three places which required surgery on Saturday. Sunday evening they moved her to the heart unit and before they got settled in the new room they then decided to move her again to the Cardiac care unit to watch her closer. They now think she may need a pacemaker. She is still in lots of pain from the surgery.
UPDATE - From Bro. Andre': Peggy Birdwell (Kim Morrow's aunt) is scheduled to have a pace maker installed Wednesday 8/12. She is in CCU at Baptist

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Last Sunday Jill Thompson added Tim's dad (Lee) to our Prayer List. This week she
e-mailed with a more urgent request for prayer. Please remember to lift that family up and ask the Lord to address Lee's needs in a way that only he can. Lee and his wife (Barb) have been married 50 years. The family says things have been especially difficult since Tim's sister passed away (17 yrs.).

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Monday August 3rd is Judy Heth's birthday and Tuesday August 4th is the birthday of Kenny Morrow.