Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Please pray for George as he will be having another eye surgery on Monday, April 6, at 1:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Hospital. This surgery is to remove the oil in his eye from his last surgery. The doctor is very optimistic that he will have good vision in his eye when this is done. There is a small possibility when they remove the oil that his retina could detach again. Please pray for wisdom for the doctor and God's hand on George's eye. We also have a praise, our 6 year old niece, Abby Knox, (Aaron's granddaughter) accepted Christ as her Savior and we are thrilled.
....................Love and blessings, ...Julie Williams
George's surgery went very well today. The doctor is very optimistic that the eye is going to do well. We will know more tomorrow. We are going to the doctor in the morning to take the patch and see the results of the surgery. Thank you for praying for him and please continue to do so. The doctor said there is a slight chance of the retina detaching again in the next month but he does not think it will happen.
...................Love and blessings, Julie Williams
4/8/09 - We went to the doctor today and they took the patch off George's eye and the doctor was very pleased with the results. George can see better and I'm sure it will improve with time. The doctor is going to keep a close watch on the retina for the next month. Please pray that George's retina will stay attached and his vision will improve each day. Thank you so much for your prayers. We sure can feel them. Blessings, Julie Williams

Monday, March 30, 2009


People defect from the gospel because they were drawn to it initially for the wrong reasons. The excitement of the crowd, not the meaning of the message, lures them at first. A lively crowd, and the production value of a worship service emphasizing showmanship rather than Scripture, wows the modern-day seeker.

Christianity has to be very careful when it is popular. The action and excitement of a crowd captivate people. They gather in a sports stadium, or a large auditorium or church, to be part of a big event. There’s an energy, almost a pep-rally feel, but many of the participants are there for the crowd, not the Crown. They’re looking for some miraculous intervention on their behalf, or the promise of something they can cash in on. Or just a good show.
Click this link to read more>> a4christ.blogspot.com/

MacArthur, J. (2003)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Saturday, April 4th - is the day to celebrate the birth of motorcycle madman and classmate -
Cody Coleman.


To our Grace family:

Beginning next Sunday, April 5, we will go back to one morning worship service at 10:15 AM. We have tried the two morning worship services for two and a half years, but have never been able to reach the number of people we thought we would reach. With this in mind, we believe the Grace family will be better served putting all of our attention, efforts, and energy into one morning worship service. For those who have learned to love the early, traditional service, we trust you will welcome with equal excitement the opportunity for the entire Grace family to be together once again for our morning worship experience.

........................................................................... Thanks, Andre'

Thursday, March 26, 2009


God, grant me the Serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the Courage to change the one I can, and the Wisdom to know, that "one" is me. .........................AMEN


Monday, March 30th marks the day of birth for blogger, author, and classmate - Jill Thompson.
Check out her blog on the bottom right of this page under "Blogs of Interest" (Let's Do Lunch).


Saturday, March 28th is the day the Williams Family celebrates the birth of classmate - Shannan Williams.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Bryan and Pansey Leech, celebrate their Wedding Anniversary on Thursday, March the 26th. We miss you both. You add something special to our class that we can't replace.
>>>>>click on photo>>>>>>

Sunday, March 15, 2009

JAMIE COVINGTON - Classmate / Teacher

Many Christians wonder how they'll know when God is speaking to them. This Priscilla Shirer study takes you through 1 Samuel 3 to how we can learn to discern His voice and position ourselves to respond.

Facilitor: Jamie Covington
Classroom: 216
Enrollment: Unlimited
Cost: $15.00
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:15 p.m.

Click this link to

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Grace Baptist Prayernet - Please pray for Kenny Morrow's dad who is in Baptist Memorial Hospital in Oxford, Mississippi. He had three stints put in today and will have two stints put in on Thursday. Pray for good results from these procedures.
>>>>>>>click on photo>>>>>>>

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today, a little after our 8:15 service began, a man entered First Baptist Church and fired several gunshots at our Senior Pastor, Dr. Fred Winters. Pastor Winters was taken to the hospital but died of his wounds. Please pray for Dr. Winter’s family, our two brave members who were injured when they stopped the assailant, for the assailant himself and his family, and for our church members as they deal with this tragic loss.
As human beings we need a foundation upon which we can live our lives. We at First Baptist Maryville, along with other Christian believers, share this conviction: that foundation is God’s Word. In the pages of the Book we call the Bible, we find the pathway for peace, hope, and a quality of living life despite what circumstances we find ourselves in.
"To those who believe in the power of prayer, we covet your prayers right now."
Pastor Mark Jones
Minister of Worship, FBC
>> Click this link for Dr. Winter's church>> www.fbmaryville.org
>> Click on beautiful family photo above to enlarge.


Women of Joy in Louisville, Kentucky, April 3-5, 2009 at the Kentucky Exposition Center's Freedom Hall. Freedom Hall is home to the University of Louisville Cardinals basketball teams. Louisville offers some of the nation's finest restaurants, shopping and museums. Casting Crowns will headline the conference. Guests include Candace Cameron Bure (former star of "Full House"), Bible teacher Lisa Harper, comedian Chonda Pierce, novelist Karen Kingsbury and worship with Charles Billingsley.

>Click on link for more details>> www.womenofjoy.org

CONTACT: Brenda Steakley - 496-2128

Friday, March 6, 2009


Broken people come to churches. Not with broken bones, but broken hearts, homes, dreams, and lives. They limp in on fractured faith, and if the church operates as the church, they find healing. Pastors and teachers touch and teach. Gospel bearers share good news. Prophets speak words of truth. Visionaries dream of greater impact. Some administer. Some pray. Some lead. Some follow. But all help to heal brokenness: “to make the body of Christ stronger.”

“God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation”
(1 Thess. 5:9 ). You were born to be saved. Have you let Jesus save you? Think carefully. A person can be religious and yet lost. Attending rodeos won’t make you a cowboy. Attending church won’t make you God’s child. You must accept his offer.
Can you point to a day on your life calendar as your day of rescue?


Remember to set your clocks forward 1 hour Saturday night.
See you in Sunday School.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


For everyone who has wished for an easier web address for our class. One that can be remembered without any difficulity, to share with family, friends, or strangers - Your wish has come true. Now you can type in either our "old address" or our "New One"-adults4christ.com. This was accomplished by purchasing that domain and programing that website to forward any inquiry to our blog. If in the future our blog fails to address our needs we have already secured the website with our class name for us to build on. Until recently this name was in use by someone or some group overseas and they let it expire without renewing.