Members of Adults 4 Christ stepped up again last night as it was our turn to work Room in the Inn. We provided Enough Meat Loaf, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cornbread, Rolls, and Salad to feed a lot more than the 32-35 people that was requested of us. We assisted in setting up tables, chairs, and beds. We staffed the serving line and carried the plates out to the tables. Our Members did the cleanup after the dinner was over. Cleaning off and storing tables, putting the extra food away, cleaning counter tops, washing dishes, sweeping floors, and taking out trash. I'm sure for the women it was just like a regular night at home. We had children of class members to place our Bibles on the ladies bedding. The extra food will be going to another outreach program on Tuesday. Our work allowed Carolyn, Sandy, and their assistants to do more of what they do best, and that is attending to the needs of the women placed in their care. Thank you Grace Baptist for allowing us this wonderful mission opportunity and Thanks to our Class Members whose efforts are never short of amazing... love , Joe and Brenda
A Note from RITI: A special word of thanks to Joe & Brenda Steakley's class for providing a fabulous dinner for Room in the Inn: meatloaf, potatoes, beans, corn, salad, rolls, cornbread. We had a feast and the women loved it. Many of the class members stayed and helped, and we appreciate that. Thanks to Chris and Sandy for staying overnight. Hope you had a peaceful night. And of course thanks to all of our regular volunteers who come so faithfully every Monday night. We just have a few weeks left ... hope you'll join us! Carolyn